
Senin, 11 Mei 2015

His Lover's Little Secret (Harlequin Desire\Millionaires of Manhatt)

Best Book His Lover's Little Secret (Harlequin Desire\Millionaires of Manhatt)

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She's kept her baby secret for two years… 

But even after a chance run-in forces her to confront the father of her son, Sabine Hayes refuses to give in to all of Gavin Brooks's demands. His power and his wealth won't turn her head this time. She'll let him get to know Jared, but she won't go back to Gavin's privileged world…or his bed. 

Yet Gavin never stopped wanting the woman who challenged him at every turn. He has a right to claim what's his…and he'll do just about anything to prevent her from getting away from him again.


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